Booking Through Thursday: Crappy

Do you ever crave reading crappy books?

Well, define crappy first. ๐Ÿ˜‰ This prompt was inspired by “Why I Love Crappy Books” over at Lit Drift, where the writer discusses The Da Vinci Code, Twilight, The Time Traveler’s Wife, and The Notebook as self-esteem boosting cautionary tales, guilty pleasures, and unintentionally hilarious.

Learning from bad books is why I always finish a book, unless it brutally offends me. I read Anna Godbersen for the guilty pleasure of it, because, as her work is all historical fiction, it’s a step up from Gossip Girl but with all the addicting overblown drama. And I find unintentional hilarity in nearly everything I read, so perhaps that’s just me being immature.

19 thoughts on “Booking Through Thursday: Crappy

  1. ” And I find unintentional hilarity in nearly everything I read, so perhaps thatโ€™s just me being immature.”

    I do that, but more w/movies that aren’t supposed to be funny than with books. i do wish I could do it with books tho. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ i think my expectations for books are really high, whereas for movies, not so much.

    I don’t crave crappy books, but ocassionally I do crave fluffy stuff. fluffy stuff is Dan Brown, some of the James Patterson thriller action stuff, romance manga.

  2. “And I find unintentional hilarity in nearly everything I read, so perhaps thatโ€™s just me being immature” — I do the same damn thing … I’ve been known to pick up “serious” books because I thought the synopsis sounded hilarious to me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I think crappy doesn’t always mean bad. bad book is one that is poorly written. Crappy can be cheesy. I think I’ll know a bad book when I read one, and might very well abort it for another (better) book. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I watch crappy TV when I have a craving, and now and then I’ll read crappy books. But not over and over — or at least, if I DO find myself reading them over and over, then I find reasons to explain why in fact they are not crappy but indeed wonderful. :p

  5. I’m a fluff reader. I love to read the occasional bad romance novel for the humor and just so I can believe in twu luv and all that stuff (although there are a couple of good romance writers โ€” Susan Elizabeth Phillips can be decent and Jennifer Crusie is even better).

    “Bad,” though. . .technically badly written books I can’t abide.

  6. I definitely love fluffy books – there are times when I need a literary palate cleanser, or when I’m stressed and my brain isn’t able to handle anything more serious, that a fluffy read (or re-read) is exactly what I need.

    I wholeheartedly disagree of the lumping of Time Traveler’s Wife in with DaVinci Code and Twilight, though. Wildly popular does not necessarily equal fluffy, or crappy.

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