Release: Hic Sunt Dracones

Hic Sunt Dracones
edited by Clare McBride

…what do you do for the Con that has everything for its twenty-fifth outing? Try to give it back the immense blessings it has given you. The essays in this short anthology celebrate the community, passion, and truly unique fun that Dragon*Con gives to its guests every year, from the perspective of staff, seasoned veterans, and complete newbies. We all hope that reading this anthology will give you a taste of just what it’s like during those fantastic four days at Dragon*Con, and maybe even entice you to join us for the big two-five in September.

I got the idea for this anthology after Dragon*Con last year sitting in my Econ class. (I am truly getting the most out of my education.) I then sighed about how I would never be able to do it, until I remembered—we’re fans. We can basically do anything we set our minds to. Going from that idea to this final product has been a remarkably fulfilling and wonderful experience, and I couldn’t have done it without my fabulous contributors and their equally fabulous stories—Lindsay Gordon, Othella Morris, Nadine Palmer, Kevin Stallard, and Michael J. Winegar.

Happy twentieth-fifth, Dragon*Con. We hope you like it.

I am not affiliated with Dragon*Con save as an attendee.

2 thoughts on “Release: Hic Sunt Dracones

  1. Pingback: Hic Sunt Dracones: A Dragon*Con Anthology « The Dilettantista

  2. Pingback: The Sunday Salon: My Second Blogiversary « The Literary Omnivore

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